电子科技大学基础与前沿研究院Alexander Govorov教授组2019年招聘博士后
Global Post-Doctoral Researcher of UESTC- Theoretical and Computational Physics of Nanomaterials and Nanostructures; Focus on Photonics and Energy.
the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (Chengdu, Sichuan, China) seek candidates for postdoctoral research positions. These positions are for candidates to conduct theoretical and computational studies of nanostructures and nanocrystals, with a focus on photonics and energy, in an international research group led by Prof. Alexander Govorov. Research will be conducted in two places at two institutions, at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in Chengdu, China and at Ohio University in the US. An incoming postdoctoral researcher can make his/her choice of workplace in either of these places. Simultaneously, these positions involve a strong cooperation with the Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences (IFFS) in Chengdu, led by Prof. Zhiming Wang (http://www.iffs.uestc.edu.cn/iffs_en).
The research group led by Alexander Govorov is working on optical and photochemical properties of nanostructures and nanomaterials. The research topics currently pursued in the group include plasmonic nanostructures, hot electrons, plasmonic photothermal phenomena, quantum effects in plasmonic and excitonic systems, hybrid nanoscale systems, bio-assemblies, chiral bio-plasmonics, surface photochemistry, nanoscale systems for energy conversion, etc. There will be opportunities to interact with experimental groups worldwide and participate in multidisciplinary projects. Further information about the research group and relevant contact details are available at:
The annual salary is in the range of ¥ 200,000-480,000, depending on applicant's records. Additional bonuses for specific achievement will be provided.
Candidates should be highly motivated and have a strong background in theoretical condensed-matter physics, computational physics and the physics of nanostructures. A commitment to working effectively with students, faculty and staff from diverse backgrounds is required. The position has an initial duration of one year, but may be extended yearly up to three years, depending on performance and funding. To apply for this position, send an e-mail to Prof. Govorov with a full Curriculum Vitae and a cover letter.
Prof. Alexander Govorov is a full-time Professor of Physics at IFFS, UESTC , a Chang Jiang Chair Professor at UESTC in Chengdu, China and also a Distinguished Professor of Physics at Ohio University in the U.S.. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and a recipient of several international awards including the Walton Visitor Award (Ireland), the 1000-Talant Award (Sichuan, China), the Jacques-Beaulieu Excellence Research Chair Award (Canada), etc.
Prof. Zhiming Wang is a Professor of National 1000-Talents Program, Journal Editor-in-Chief of Nanoscale Research Letters, and the Director of the IFFS at UESTC in Chengdu.
If you would like to apply for this position, please contact Fann.
Telephone: 18583793936
Wechat: fzlxy123
Govorov email:govorov(at)ohio.edu
中国电子科技大学(中国四川省成都市)现招聘博士后研究员。受聘博士后将工作于Alexander Govorov教授领导的国际性科研团队内,重点侧重于光子学和能源领域中纳米结构和纳米晶体的相关理论和模拟计算研究。受聘博士后研究人员可选择在中国成都电子科技大学工作,或美国俄亥俄大学。与此同时,受聘博士后还将与由王志明教授(http://www.iffs.uestc.edu.cn/iffs_en)领导的成都电子科技大学(UESTC)基础与前沿研究院(IFFS)科研团队进行密切合作。
由Alexander Govorov教授领导的国际性科研团队致力于研究纳米结构和纳米材料的光学和光化学性质。目前该团队研究的主要课题包括等离子体纳米结构,热电子,等离子体光热现象,等离子体和激子系统中的量子效应,混合纳米级系统,生物自组装体系,手性生物等离子体,表面光化学,纳米尺度的能量转换等。同时受聘博士后将有机会与世界各地的实验团队进行互动合作,并参与多学科合作项目。有关该研究团队的更多信息和相关联系方式,请访问:
Alexander Govorov教授是中国成都电子科技大学基础与前沿研究院全职教授,也是中国成都电子科技大学的长江讲座教授,美国俄亥俄大学的物理学杰出教授。他是美国物理学会会士,并获得多个国际奖项,包括Walton Visitor沃尔顿访客奖项(爱尔兰),省****奖项(中国四川),Jacques-Beaulieu博利厄卓越研究主席奖(加拿大)等。