浙江大学医学院-剑桥大学医学院联合招收博士后计划项目招聘启事<p><strong>一、 招聘岗位
一、 招聘岗位
杨隽,浙江大学医学院、基础医学院,卫计委正高研究员,博士生导师。2014年从剑桥大学作为“海外高层次人才”引进后建立课题组,现任浙江大学百人计划研究员。主持国家重点研发计划(青年973)-干细胞专项及中国医学科学院医学与健康科技创新工程项目、国家自然科学基金项目等十多项研究。应用干细胞技术探索相关疾病的新型治疗策略,发表第一或通讯作者SCI文章20余篇,为应用干细胞技术发现肺动脉高压靶向治疗药物提供了新思路,做出我国自主知识产权的发明,已获得中国专利和国际专利批准。曾经获得英国胸科大会青年研究者一等奖;辉瑞欧洲肺血管病青年研究者一等奖;中国医学科学院&北京协和医学院 基础医学研究所优秀科研人员。已培养多名理学博士、八年制联培医学博士和硕士。指导的博士后获得国家博士后国际交流计划引进人才和国自然青年项目资助,助理研究员获得协和青年基金。更多信息请见杨隽老师个人网页:https://person.zju.edu.cn/0019060
Nick Morrell教授,剑桥大学医学院呼吸系,心肺研究所所长,NHS英国卫生医疗体系Papworth医院院长。他的主要研究领域是对心肺血管疾病的遗传因素通过生物信息的手段进行分析,在New England Journal of Medicine, Nature Medicine, 和Circulation等顶尖杂志发表多篇学术论文。
四、 应聘程序
本次招聘报名截止日期: 2020年3月31日
Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship Program: Zhejiang University School of Medicine and University of Cambridge
I. Position
Position 1
Research Area: The cell molecular mechanism and intervention of cardiopulmonary vascular disease
Supervisor at Zhejiang University:
Professor Jun YANG is principal investigator at Zhejiang University School of Medicine, She was recruited from University of Cambridge in 2014 by “The National Recruitment Program of Global Experts”, currently by“Hundred Talents Program”of Zhejiang University.
She graduated from Zhejiang University in 1999, received her Ph.D. degree from Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College. She devoted on the medical research of cardiopulmonary disease for more than 8 years in university of Cambridge with Professor Nick Morrell, combined with her Ph.D. expertise on the drug screening she continues the study at stem cell based small molecular intervention on BMP signaling for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension. She has published more than 20 first and correspondent papers on international recognised journals including Circulation Research, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and vascular Biology, and American Journal of Respiratory Critical Care Medicine. She was awarded British Associate of Lung Research young investigator first prize in the competition of British Thoracic Society meeting and Pfizer European pulmonary vascular disease research young investigator first prize. Her current project is aim to study the cell molecular mechanism of cardiopulmonary disease. For more information, please visit Professor Jun YANGs personal website: https://person.zju.edu.cn/0019060
Supervisor at University of Cambridge:
Professor Nick Morrell is the British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiopulmonary Medicine at the University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine of the University of Cambridge. He leads a research group focused on the genetics, cell biology and translational research in pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Work Plans (Tentative Schedule):
Year 1: Work with Prof. Jun YANG at Zhejiang University on cell molecular mechanism, regulatory network and treatment of cardiopulmonary diseases.
Year 2: Work with Prof. Nick Morrell at University of Cambridge on molecular mechanisms of pulmonary arterial hypertension based on the latest genetic discoveries.
II. Eligibility
1. A Ph.D. degree within the recent three years from domestic C9 universities, or from top overseas universities. Good publication record with at least one first-authored SCI journal paper.
2. The applicants shall be under 32 years old, of good moral character, and in good health.
3. Good academic performance and research capability. Interested in teaching and research positions at Zhejiang University in the future.
III. Assessment requirements and Funding
One quota for each position. The selected candidates will carry out research work under the guidance of the cooperative supervisors of both universities. The candidates shall fulfill the corresponding assessments according to the post-doctoral management regulations of Zhejiang University, complete the research work, and reach the post-doctoral requirements of the corresponding disciplines. The selected candidates are encouraged to jointly publish articles with professors at University of Cambridge. Academic papers and other achievements published together with professors at University of Cambridge can be regarded as the achievements of the postdoctoral program.
The selected candidates will be funded for two years. The full salary will be 200,000-250,000 RMB per year from Zhejiang University, School of Medicine, and supervisor. Selected candidates will also enjoy the benefits of the common postdoctoral program at Zhejiang University in projects application.
IV. Application Procedures
Send a resume (including basic personal information, study and work experiences, participation in research projects, publication list, etc.), representative papers and other materials to the bottom email address. After comprehensively evaluating through interview processes and discussing with the professor at University of Cambridge, the result will be reported to Zhejiang University for approval. Upon successful application, the selected candidates shall finish the registration procedures and will be subject to the management of Zhejiang University.
Application Deadline:Mar 31th,2020
Ms. Yang
Contact numbers: +86-571-88206116
E-mail: yang_jun@zju.edu.cn