清华大学数字经济团队由清华大学经管学院讲席教授带领,目标是在数字经济,数据合规使用等领域做国际领先的研究。团队负责人冯娟教授目前是国际顶级期刊(Information Systems Research)的高级主编,是国家级讲席教授, 以及国际信息系统协会副主席(亚太地区)。负责人的论文发表在多个国际顶级期刊上。教授在国际学术期刊和会议上发表论文60余篇,其中多篇发表在Information Systems Research,Management Science, Marketing Science, Production and Operations Management, Informs Journal on Computing等管理学国际顶尖期刊。其研究成果已经被用于主流商业模式的实际应用中,并取得显著成效。
The Digital Economy team of Tsinghua University is led by a chair professor of Tsinghua School of Economics and Management. The goal is to conduct research in cutting edge topics such as digital economy and data governance. The team’s principle investigator Prof.Feng is a national level chair professor who is now a Senior Editor of a leading international journal, Information Systems Research. She also serves as VP (Region 3) for Association for Information Systems (AIS). Her papers have appeared in the most prestigious international journals. The professor has published more than 60 papers in international academic journals and conferences, many of which have been published in international leading management journals such as Information Systems Research, Management Science, Marketing Science, Production and Operations Management, INFORMS Journal on Computing. Her research results have been applied to the practical application of the mainstream business model, and achieved significant results.
She has long been concerned with issues related to the digital economy, including business and policy challenges brought about by digital technology, and new changes brought about by IT to the information environment such as blockchain, NFT and innovation, data governance and data validation, online content creation and online commentary, and so on.
We invite relevant talents involved in these disciplines to join us and create the future together.
(1) The salary treatment is determined according to relevant regulations of Tsinghua University Shenzhen International Graduate School and Shenzhen Government;
(2) The basic annual salary of Post-doctor is 120000 yuan, and they participate in social insurance and housing accumulation fund in accordance with relevant regulations. Those who pass the opening and mid-term examination can receive a living allowance of 180000 yuan/year of Shenzhen Government(the subsidy period does not exceed 2 years), and those who have no house property in Shenzhen can enjoy a rental allowance of 2800 yuan/month;
(3) SIGS provides each postdoctor 20000 yuan scientific research subsidy;
(4) Post-doctor who has gotten “Shuimu Scholar” of Tsinghua University can receive an additional subsidy of 60000 yuan/year during the station (subject to the resolution of the Remuneration Committee);
(5) During the station, post-doctor can apply for China Postdoctoral Science Fund and other national, provincial and municipal scientific research projects according to relevant regulations;
(6) Post-doctor who chooses to stay in Shenzhen for scientific research and has signed a labor (employment) contract with companies in Shenzhen for more than 3 years can apply for Shenzhen post-doctoral research support (100000 yuan/year, a total of 3 years);
(7) Post-doctor who is identified as high-level talents in Shenzhen can apply for talent subsidies according to regulations.
*The above welfare benefits should be subject to the latest policies of Shenzhen.
1. 参与研究数字经济,数据合规政策相关研究
2. 参与研究市场价格变化的定量分析
3. 参与撰写政府政策报告
1.Participate in the research on the application of machine learning in the field of finance.
2.Participate in the quantitative analysis of macroeconomic indicators.
3.Participate in the preparation of government policy reports
1.Having a doctoral degree, possessing excellent moral and academic qualities, having good physical health, and under the age of 35, the duration of obtaining a doctoral degree generally does not exceed 3 years.
2.Doctor degree in economics, management science, marketing or related fields.
3.Relevant experience in quantitative analysis economic or business issues.
4.Relevant machine learning experiences.
5.Experience in writing government policy reports.
Please send your CV to juan.feng@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn
Be sure to name your email subject: candidate name +Digital+ position of interest