2013-12-31 08:26 来源: 未知 作者: liuxuehr
IRB Barcelona is a self-standing, non-profit institution devoted to basic and applied biomedical research. It was set up in 2005 jointly by the Government of Catalonia and the University of Barcelona and is located at the Barcelona Science Park. Research is organized into five programmes: namely Cell and Developmental Biology, Structural and Computational Biology, Molecular Medicine, Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, and Oncology. IRB Barcelona researchers have access to state-of-the-art technology, provided by several in-house core facilities plus additional external services. The institute currently has more than 425 members (scientific, technical and administrative staff) from all over the world, who work across disciplines to advance research in the biomedical sciences.
At the Chromatin structure and function laboratory (Dr. F. Azorín) research focusses on the epigenetic regulation of chromatin functions, using Drosophila as model system. For some recent publications: S. Pérez-Montero, A. Carbonell, T. Morán, A. Vaquero and F. Azorín (2013) "The embryonic linker histone H1 variant of Drosophila, dBigH1, regulates zygotic genome activation". Dev Cell, 26, 578-590声明:凡本网注明"来源:XXX"的文/图等稿件,本网转载出于传递更多信息及方便产业探讨之目的,并不意味着本站赞同其观点或证实其内容的真实性,文章内容仅供参考。如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网站转载使用,须保留本网站注明的“来源”,并自负版权等法律责任。作者如果不希望被转载或者联系转载等事宜,请与我们联系。