Applications are invited for a 3-year post-doctoral position in the Division of Plant Sciences of the University of Dundee (UoD) to work on genomics-based approaches to crop improvement. The Division of Plant Sciences is located at the James Hutton Institute (JHI – formerly SCRI), Invergowrie on the outskirts of Dundee, Scotland.
The successful applicant will join a team of researchers from Scotland, Germany and Israel that is using a new barley Nested Association Mapping (NAM) Population to identify beneficial gene alleles from wild barley germplasm for crop improvement. The UoD/JHI team is led by Prof. Andy Flavell.
The successful candidate will join the team to:
• Collect gene-based NGS data for the barley NAM population.
• Assist with the design and execution of field trials involving the barley NAM population
• Score phenotypic data in field trials of the NAM population related to agronomic performance under varying fertilizer input conditions
• Process and analyse the combined genotype and phenotype data using association Genetics-based approaches
• Select candidate gene alleles in the barley NAM population that are derived from wild barley and encode traits for barley crop improvement.
Applicants should have a good education in molecular and general genetics. Experience of the following would also be useful: plant genomics, bioinformatics (preferably involving the processing and analysis of NGS data), statistics in the context of the analysis of phenotypic data.
This position is funded by the UK Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) within the European Research Area Coordinating Action in Plant Sciences (http://www.eracaps.org/) and is available for 3 years, starting by agreement after August 4th 2014.