2014-03-11 08:44 来源: 未知 作者: liuxuehr
Postdoctoral Position in Alzheimer Research : Utrecht, Netherlands
We are seeking an outstanding and highly motivated candidate at the post-doctoral level to join the group of Prof. Judith Klumperman. The candidate should have a background in cell biology and experience in microscopy, cell culture, molecular biological and biochemical techniques.Description
A hallmark of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) patients is the massive accumulation of dysfunctional endo-lysosomal compartments in dystrophic neurites. The goal of this project is to understand how changes in the endo-lysosomal system contribute to AD- associated pathologies. We will investigate the functionality and organization of the endo-lysosomal system in various Familial AD (FAD) cell models and the effect of distinct lysosomal modulators on AD-induced cellular pathologies, like A-beta formation and toxicity. The project is in collaboration with Dr. Wiep Scheper (Dept. Clinical Genetics/Alzheimer Center, VUMC, Amsterdam)Benefits
We offer: Training opportunities in molecular cell biology, biochemistry, live-cell imaging techniques, correlative light – electron microscopy and immuno-electron microscopy. The Department of Cell Biology is a dynamic institute with international and interactive research groups and world-class equipment. The working language is English. The Department is located in the scientific campus of the Utrecht University and therefore has direct access to a large number of facilities and a unique scientific environment. Utrecht is a beautiful city located in the center of the Netherlands, in close proximity of Amsterdam and its international airport. The postdoctoral position is fully funded for 2 years. The conditions of employment are in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Medical Hospitals. Applicants willing to apply for their own independent funding, however, are highly encouraged.声明:凡本网注明"来源:XXX"的文/图等稿件,本网转载出于传递更多信息及方便产业探讨之目的,并不意味着本站赞同其观点或证实其内容的真实性,文章内容仅供参考。如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网站转载使用,须保留本网站注明的“来源”,并自负版权等法律责任。作者如果不希望被转载或者联系转载等事宜,请与我们联系。