2014-03-24 09:27 来源: 未知 作者: liuxuehr
A collaborative research team led by Josep Peñuelas (CREAF), Ivan Janssens (UA, Belgium), Philippe Ciais (CEA-UVSQ, France), and Michael Obersteiner (IIASA, Austria) in a vibrant research environment is offering postdoctoral positions to study the effects of phosphorus limitations on Life, Earth system and Society (ERC Synergy grant: IMBALANCE-P).
The aim of IMBALANCE- The aim of IMBALANCE---P is to quantify and understand the responses of Life, Society and the Earth System to current and future P shortages and the N to P stoichiometric imbalance created by widespread N additions and rising atmospheric CO2, and to identify the options available to improve the management of the P cycle. The P-dependent implications for Life, Society, and the Earth System are tightly interconnected, but have so far mostly been considered in fragmented single-discipline research. IMBALANCE-P will achieve a global closure of the P cycle, and generate a novel integrated knowledge of the impacts of the C:N:P imbalances on natural ecosystems’ diversity and function, climate, agriculture, and society. Applicants should be enthusiastic and highly-qualified doctors holding a PhD degree in biology, environmental sciences, geosciences, climate sciences or any related field to the mentioned areas. They should ideally have a strong background in those areas. Interest or experience with process modeling or data analysis with script languages (Matlab, R, Python) or other programming languages, and basic knowledge/experience of field measurements is appreciated. In addition, the applicants should have solid experience in working both independently and in group. Fluency in English (oral and written) is mandatory. Postdoc 1 – Stoichiometry and metabolomic processes mostly on plants and bacteria Postdoc 2 – Ecophysiology and demography of vegetation Postdoc 3 – Macroecology and biodiversity Postdoc 4 – Mining, meta-analysis and synthesis of molecular, organismic and ecosystemic data Postdoc 5 – Nutrient imbalances and trophic webs声明:凡本网注明"来源:XXX"的文/图等稿件,本网转载出于传递更多信息及方便产业探讨之目的,并不意味着本站赞同其观点或证实其内容的真实性,文章内容仅供参考。如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网站转载使用,须保留本网站注明的“来源”,并自负版权等法律责任。作者如果不希望被转载或者联系转载等事宜,请与我们联系。