Postdoctoral Researcher : Berkeley, CA, United States
We are seeking a leader for the Critical Assessment of Genome Interpretation (CAGI, \'kā-jē\), a community experiment to evaluate the prediction of phenotypes from genetic variation. CAGI objectively assesses computational methods for predicting the phenotypic impacts of genomic variation. In this experiment, modeled on the Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction (CASP), participants are provided genotypic data and make predictions of resulting molecular, cellular, or organismal phenotype. These predictions are evaluated against experimental and clinical characterizations, and independent assessors perform the evaluations. Community workshops are held to disseminate results, assess our collective ability to make accurate and meaningful phenotypic predictions, and better understand progress in the field. From this experiment, we identify bottlenecks in genome interpretation, inform critical areas of future research, and connect researchers from diverse disciplines whose expertise is essential to methods for genome interpretation. The third CAGI experiment assessed 188 predictions for ten diverse challenges. These predictions were made by 82 predictors who hailed from labs located in 15 countries.
The CAGI Postdoctoral Researcher will be primarily responsible for operating the CAGI experiment, from developing challenges to managing prediction submissions and assessments to dissemination of results. Each new challenge requires extensive interactions with the data set provider to develop the most informative challenge. Supervision of assessment includes interacting with assessors, developing standard and automated assessment protocols, and ensuring that uniform standards are applied and that proposed assessment methods are appropriate, as well as reviewing assessment results and ensuring that the necessary technical support is provided. Prediction management includes engaging a broad and diverse community, providing tutorials, editing necessary web resources, distributing challenges, robustly accepting predictions, providing comprehensive access to results and analysis, and ensuring data security. The CAGI Postdoctoral Researcher will organize the CAGI conference culminating each experiment, at which results are initially presented. He or she will work with participants to produce publications about CAGI experiments and make presentations to ensure broad dissemination.
For more information, see http://compbio.berkeley.edu
Other related positions may be available; inquire with jobs@compbio.berkeley.edu
Ph.D. or M.D. or equivalent. Candidates must have demonstrated ability to work and communicate with an extensive array of collaborators. Candidates should also have familiarity with managing large data sets, developing standard and automated assessment protocols, managing data set quality control,performing human genetic data analyses, ethics of human research participants, publishing in high quality journals, event organization, as well as managing multiple and conflicting obligations and deadlines. Strong positive references are essential.