2015-02-27 20:27 来源: 未知 作者: liuxuehr
Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Job Description
Bioinformatics/computational proteomics post-doctoral position is available at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Sealy Center for Molecular Medicine, the University of Texas Medical Branch (Galveston, TX). The initial appointment is for two years, with a possibility of an extension. The research project focuses on determining in vivo protein turnover rates from high throughput proteomics experiments using heavy water labeling time course data. Stochastic modeling is used to extract the protein turnover rate from the deuterium incorporation and isotopomer distributions of peptides. The methods are applied to study proteome dynamics in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Expected qualifications include a Ph.D. in quantitative sciences; Experience in analytical and quantitative methods, including deterministic and stochastic techniques, probability theory, and signal processing; Proficiency in a programming language (preferably C/C++) is required; Experience in using software packages such as Matlab and statistical data analysis using R. Excellent skills in communication, review of scientific literature and scientific writing are desirable. Working knowledge of the biology and experience in analyzing mass spectrometry data are expected. A rich environment for computational science is available, including joint affiliation with the Bioinformatics Program, the Gulf Coast Consortium in Bioinformatics, the Joint UTMB/UT-Houston Center in health informatics, and postgraduate education in computational biology. Galveston is a subtropical island, conveniently located in the greater Houston metropolitan area. Houston is the fourth largest city in the US. |