Postdoctoral Fellow in Immunology : Vienna, Austria
Short Summary: The Bergthaler laboratory at the CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna offers a position for a Postdoctoral Fellow who aims to employ cutting-edge tools to investigate the molecular interface between antiviral immunity, epigenetics and inflammation.
The Project: The successful applicant will contribute to our ongoing efforts to unravel novel molecular mechanisms of chromatin-wide changes during the antiviral immune response. Following on a recent study of our lab (Schliehe C. et al. Nat Immunol 2014), the aim of this project is to study the function of chromatin-modifying proteins in homeostasis and disease. An integrated approach of global approaches (RNAseq, ChIPseq, proteomics) and well-defined genetic systems of cell culture and animal disease models is expected to yield unprecedented insights into the molecular regulation of inflammation. Own project ideas are welcomed and should be detailed within the application.
The Candidate: You have received your PhD, MD or DVM no later than 4 years ago and have a strong publication track record with several first-author papers in internationally recognized peer-reviewed journals. You have obtained extensive experimental training in molecular cell biology and bring a sound pathophysiological understanding of inflammatory and infectious diseases. Skillsets with animal models and computational biology are welcomed additional assets.
We look for a highly motivated colleague with a biological-medical background who is enthusiastic to work on a fundamental biological question. You should be a critical scientist and a creative mind to think the unthinkable.
Being a team player and strong interdisciplinary communication skills are required.
The Lab: Our aim is to unravel novel molecular mechanisms of infectious diseases and inflammation. We employ an integrative approach comprising experimentally tractable infection models and complementary state-of-the-art tools of virology, immunology, genetics, pathology, metabolomics and systems biology. A particular emphasis lies on superinfections, the crosstalk of metabolism and inflammation and chronic viral infections. The lab offers a dynamic and competitive environment with access to latest technologies within a thriving institute.
The principal investigator has received training in premier laboratories at the University of Tokyo, University/ETH Zurich and at the Institute for Systems Biology in Seattle. The group consists of 8 members from 7 countries, who closely collaborate across projects. The lab maintains a number of collaborations with leading scientists and clinicians of the adjacent Medical University of Vienna and other national and international institutions. Scientific and social interactions are supported by weekly lab meetings, journal clubs, CeMMinars with renowned guest speakers as well as by annual lab retreats. The lab is funded by intramural funds from the Austrian Academy of Sciences as well as by external grants (Austrian Science Fund (FWF), European Research Council (ERC)).
References: Schliehe C. et al. Nature Immunology 2015 (PMID: 25419628), Bhattacharya A et al. Immunity 2015 (PMID: 26588782), Johnson S*, Bergthaler A* et al. Journal of Immunology 2015 (PMID: 25567678), Litvak V. et al. Nature 2012 (PMID: 22982991), Bergthaler A et al. Proc of the Natl Acad Sci USA 2010 (PMID: 21098292)
The Institute: CeMM is a flagship institute for biomedical research in inflammation, infection and cancer in the heart of Europe, Vienna. We are committed to highest scientific standards and provide an international environment representing more than 35 nationalities. The working language is English. CeMM has been repeatedly ranked by The Scientist as one of the Best Places to Work Academia worldwide. The institute is situated within the medical campus of Vienna, which facilitates collaborations between basic scientists and clinicians. CeMM operates several technology platforms (chemical biological screening platform, mass-spectrometry, next-generation sequencing) and hosts two bioinformatics groups.
Funding and Starting Date: Initial funding is available, but candidates are encouraged to seek for post-doctoral fellowships. Salary scale according to the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Starting date as soon as possible.