
2016-02-29 14:22 来源: 互联网 作者: liuxuehr

POSTDOCTORAL POSITIONS - Immune Responses in the Lung‘

POSTDOCTORAL POSITIONS available to participate in NIH-funded research projects to study 1) immunometabolism in the context of immune tolerance in the airways with focus on lung dendritic cell-T cell interactions and 2) immune dysfunction in severe asthma. The successful candidates will have the opportunity to employ both standard and state-of-the-art techniques in immunology (ImageStream analysis), molecular biology (RNA sequencing technology), immunofluorescence microscopy, pulmonary function tests and other related techniques using animal models and human samples. Good written and verbal skills in English are important. Fresh Ph.D.s from Immunology programs are highly encouraged to apply. Special consideration will be given to individuals with strong expertise in immunology and molecular biology. Please send a brief cover letter, CV and contact information of 2 references to Dr. Anuradha Ray (raya@pitt.edu), Professor of Medicine & Immunology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA 15213.

