
2018-08-29 17:03 来源: 互联网 作者: liuxuehr

Postdoc Scholar

Job Description

A Postdoc position is available in the Diaz lab at UCSF (https://diazlab.ucsf.edu), funded by grants from the NIH and private foundations. As a member of the UCSF Brain Tumor Center (https://braintumorcenter.ucsf.edu/) our mission is the development of therapeutics for brain cancer. Our core competencies include bioinformatics and systems biology.

We have ongoing research efforts to study local immunosuppression in brain tumors by profiling clinical specimens using single-cell technologies. In the next two years, we anticipate generating several hundred-thousand single-cell mRNA libraries from several hundred human adult and pediatric brain tumors. Additionally, we are performing DNA sequencing, CyTOF profiling, and have clinical data for many of these samples.

The duties of the postdoc will be to perform bioinformatics analyses of single-cell and bulk ‘omics data. The minimum requirements for the position are: 1) a PhD in bioinformatics, computer science, biomedical science or a related discipline; 2) experience with ‘omics data analysis and strong programming skills in a relevant language (e.g. R, Python); 3) multiple first-author papers in respectable journals; 4) fluency in English, and the interpersonal skills to negotiate professional interactions in a diverse environment; and 5) the willingness to work hard in the pursuit of shared goals. We are also looking for postdocs to contribute to single-cell library construction and assay development. Applicants with relevant molecular biology skill-sets are also welcome.

Interested candidates should send an email to aaron.diaz@ucsf.edu, with the following:

- CV

- Cover letter, detailing programming experience, knowledge of mathematics and statistics, and bioinformatics or other data analysis experience. Please indicate your preferred start date.

- Names and contacts of three references.

