Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
A Post-doctoral position is available immediately for PhD and/or MD scientists interested in studying molecular mechanisms of tissue injury, repair and fibrosis in the kidney.
Our Lab (www.herrlichlab.org) is particularly interested in kidney-released growth factors, cytokines and their receptors that control injury and repair in the kidney and that are involved in organ-to-organ crosstalk, such as the kidney-lung or kidney-heart axis, both of which drive significant heart and lung pathology associated with acute kidney injury/fibrosis clinically.
We are defining critical components of the involved cell types and signaling mediators/pathways using a combination of cell-based studies, genomic/bioinformatics analysis (shRNA, siRNA, CRISPR-Cas9, functional genomics, single cell RNAseq), novel genetically-engineered mouse models, clinical specimens, and targeted therapeutics. Recent relevant publications: Kefaloyianni et al. JCI Insight 2016, Wilson et al. Mol Cancer Research 2018.
A successful applicant should have a recent PhD or equivalent research experience if an MD. Applicants must have shown productivity demonstrated by scientific publications. Minimum requirements include expertise in a variety of cell culture, protein and molecular biological techniques. Expertise in animal studies is preferred but not required. Washington University offers salaries commensurate with experience and based on the NIH scale, as well as a generous fringe benefits package.
Interested candidates should email CV, with cover letter and contact information (address, email, phone number) of at least 3 references to:
Andreas Herrlich MD PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Division of Nephrology, aherrlich@wustl.edu.
A successful applicant will be asked to write a short research proposal prior to final employment decisions.