Mechanims of lineage specification in human embryos and the derivation of novel stem cells
Division of Stem Cell Biology and Developmental Genetics
A 4-year postdoctoral position is available starting May 1st 2013 or shortly after in the laboratory of Dr Kathy Niakan in the Division of Stem Cell Biology and Developmental Genetics at the MRC National Institute of Medical Research. The lab is interested in the logic of signalling and transcriptional control in stem cell differentiation. You will undertake a project with the aim of characterizing gene expression patterns during human preimplantation development and developing conditions for the establishment of novel human stem cells. The main strategies will involve genomic profiling of early human embryos and microdissected cells, stem cell derivation from embryos and reprogramming using induced pluripotent stem cell approaches. You will gain advanced training in human embryonic stem cell, developmental and molecular biology.
As a Postdoctoral Scientist you will have a PhD or equivalent, or be in the final stages of completing your PhD, in a relevant subject. Experience in basic molecular and cell biology techniques is essential. You will have a solid track record of research and academic achievement including publications in internationally recognized peer-reviewed journals. Although not required, previous training in development or stem cell biology and experience in asceptic techniques for cell culture, retroviral production and transduction, embryology, microdissection/micromanipulation and computational biology would be a significant advantage. Informal inquiries can be made to Kathy Niakan (kkn21@cam.ac.uk).
Salary range is from £27,513 per annum inclusive of London Allowance. MRC final salary Pension Scheme is available.
Applications are handled by the RCUK Shared Services Centre; to apply please visit our job board at http://www.topcareer.jobs/ and complete an online application form. Applicants who would like to receive this advert in an alternative format (e.g. large print, Braille, audio or hard copy), or who are unable to apply online should contact us by telephone on 01793 867003, Please quote reference number IRC79290.
Closing date: 18th February 2013
The MRC is an Equal Opportunities Employer
Final appointments will be subject to a pre employment screening