
2021-12-20 08:36 来源: 中国科学技术大学 作者: liuxuehr


一、 论坛简介



二、 学校简介 




中国科学技术大学几何与物理研究中心始建于2019年,是直属于中国科学技术大学的一个新型教学与科研机构。旨在立足于中国科学技术大学深厚的数理传统,创建一个适合于几何学与物理学的基础理论研究的开放型的学术平台。中心针对基础理论研究特点,创造宽松的学术研究环境,展开广泛的合作交流, 以期创造世界领先的数学成果和培养世界一流的数学研究人才。中心将首先集中资源于微分几何、量子场论、代数几何和拓扑学等方向,构建上述方向世界领先的研究平台。 中心成立至今,已有11位科研人员,包含多个研究方向如:几何分析、复几何、代数几何、辛几何、数学物理,在国际顶级数学期刊上已发表多篇有影响力的论文。

中国科学技术大学几何与物理研究中心网址 :

四、 论坛时间及地点 


论坛地点: 安徽省合肥市金寨路96号,中国科学技术大学物质科研楼C楼1124。

会议安排:2022年1月9日 报到

2022年1月10日 中心宣讲

2022年1月11日-1月13日 报告


五、 报名条件 


六、 报名方式 


七、 报名截止日期  


八、 联系方式 


联系电话:86- 0551-63606117








University of Science and Technology of China

Institute of Geometry and Physics

Global Youth Forum 2022

1. Introduction

The Global Youth Forum at the Institute of Geometry and Physics of the University of Science and Technology of China aims to provide a platform for scholarly communications among young mathematicians at home and abroad to promote academic innovation.

2. About USTC 

The University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) is a prominent university in China and enjoys an excellent reputation worldwide. It was established by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 1958 in Beijing as a strategic action by the Chinese government to meet China's science and technology needs and increase its international competitiveness. CAS integrated its resources with USTC to educate top talent in cutting-edge, interdisciplinary science and technology. The establishment of USTC was hailed as "a great event in China's history of education and science." In 1970, USTC moved to its current location in Hefei, the capital of Anhui Province.  

3. About IGP

Institute of Geometry and Physics aims to advance the understanding of geometry and its interface with theoretical physics, nurture the next generation of original mathematicians, and ultimately build a top-notch institution for the subject area. We thus endeavor to provide a quiet, comfortable and inspiring environment, where talented researchers in geometry and related fields from all over the world are invited to visit, be it short term or long, to work and to thrive; and where academic freedom, diligence, and originality are promoted and valued.

IGP website:

4. Forum Schedule

Date: January 10-13, 2022 (Beijing Time).

Location: 11th Floor, Material Science Research Building (Section C), University of Science and Technology of China, No. 96 Jinzhai Road, Hefei, Anhui.

Meeting: live/online.

Schedule: January 9, 2022 Registration

         January 10, 2022 Introduction to IGP

        January 11-13, 2022 Talks

5. Qualification 

The application is for Ph.D. recipients and postdocs with outstanding research abilities under the age of 40. Applicants need to have a strong background in differential geometry, algebraic geometry, number theory, topology, analysis and mathematical physics and an established record of publications in top field journals.

6. How to apply

Please submit your CV and publication list to entitled “Global Youth Forum 2022-Application’s name”. We will evaluate the application materials and send out invitations to those fitting our programs. We will provide accommodation and cover travel expenses for successful applicants.

7. Application Deadline

December 20, 2021 (Beijing Time)

8. Contact

Xin Wang

Tel: 86-0551-63606117


